There are 8 twin turbo B2k's on ebay right now....

Discussion of Corvette based Callaway Cars including: 1987-1991 RPO B2K Callaway Twin Turbo Corvettes (C4); Callaway SuperNatural Corvettes (CL-1/CR-1); Callaway C12; Supercharged Corvettes; Callaway C16; 6th Generation Callaway Corvettes (SC560, SC580, SC606, SC616, SC620, SC652); 7th Generation Callaway Corvettes (SC627/SC757); NEW Callaway C8 Corvettes - and more!
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There are 8 twin turbo B2k's on ebay right now....

Post by SurfnSun »

Has the frenzy slowed down? Price ceiling? Recession fears?

I don't remember seeing this many cars for sale in a long time.
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Re: There are 8 twin turbo B2k's on ebay right now....

Post by *89x2* »

While it might not be specific to these eight Callaways, I have said in the past, there will come a time when owners of performance cars from the 1960s and 1970s, and perhaps owners of some 80s-90s car too, might sell off their machines.

When I was looking for a Turbo Buick, they were nowhere. Good cars were gone for a long time. Buyers who could have bought them, did... Now that a couple decades past, they are (in my opinion) starting to sell them off. As the owners age, I feel many want to sell now vs. leaving to a family who just wants the cash, not the cars.

Most of the "next generation" doesn't care for the cars, at least at previous prices from the last decade.

Does that mean the market is dead? Nope. But some sellers might want to really market their cars better to get the prices they ask. Some ads are terrible. Great pics and documentation help.

Again, this is just my opinion.
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Re: There are 8 twin turbo B2k's on ebay right now....

Post by SurfnSun »

I appreciate your thoughts.

I am seeing tourism slow down and many cars hitting the market with slightly softer or no longer increasing prices.

Recession is looming?
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Re: There are 8 twin turbo B2k's on ebay right now....

Post by jonstr »

*89x2* wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 3:31 pm
Most of the "next generation" doesn't care for the cars, at least at previous prices from the last decade.
Sadly, the 'next generation' is likely going to be collecting WRXs, Hondas, and other cars from THEIR youth.

I weep for the future. :help
Currently Callaway-less
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