Wanted to share my experience with the glue & syringe menthod repair. Thanks Chis C. for mentioning this to me. It is a lot better than it was but not perfect. I still can see phamtom lines where the leather had lifed up. It does lay flat now. I used approx. 20 syringes (25 ga.) with Bish's Tear Mender glue injecting the glue about every 1" or so. Can purchase both on Amazon. After pulling the syringe out there will be a small amount of glue which wipes off with a wet rag. Spead the glue under the leather around at the injection spot with your fingures before putting a weight over the spot untill the glue dries. I let it sit over night doing a section at a time. Took about a week. For the aeras close to the windshild I used a wooden spatula with a rag wrapped aroud it and wedged it between the glass and leather. My other option was to have the windshild removed and the dash re-glued by a local upholstery shop. They quoted me ($1,200 - $1,900) depending if the glass breaks on removal. I am sure the upholstery shop would result in a better finish. There is in a few spots where the syringe was inserted there is a white thin thread that was pulled back through. Very hard to see. Note: I was only able to get the glue into the raised areas of the leather. At lease I don't see the raised leather now while driving. This fix is good enough for me at this time.