the ones not pictures are the C12 NIKKO remote car and the Blue C12.
also have a project guldstrand Z06 which I was re-building to get some Callaway looks.
but at this moment it does not look near to anything made by Critt99.
The Renault 5 turbo and the VW rabbit convertible are 2 specials,
my old car and my future Callaway C1 look-a-like.
Callaway Owners Group : Division Europe
Callaway C1 project registry member
Perhaps a little history behind why we are requiring people who claim to be owners to post pics of their cars...
In the old Callaway forum we had multiple "owners" sign up and claim to own several Callaway cars. Upon asking for pictures of said cars there was always an excuse of why pictures could not be posted. We even had on faux-owner who interrupted the sale of several B2k cars by giving a verbal offer and not following thru on the purchase.
This is not meant as an intimidation tactic or any of the sort. All non-owners and enthusiasts are very welcome here, as a forum member and enthusiast who is currently "between b2k's" I can certainly see the need for weeding out the wanna-be's from the real owners. Most of us know of or actually know each other on this forum, its a close knit group. The more the merrier we just want to make sure the misleading internet trolls are kept at bay.
SurfnSun wrote:Perhaps a little history behind why we are requiring people who claim to be owners to post pics of their cars...
In the old Callaway forum we had multiple "owners" sign up and claim to own several Callaway cars. Upon asking for pictures of said cars there was always an excuse of why pictures could not be posted. We even had on faux-owner who interrupted the sale of several B2k cars by giving a verbal offer and not following thru on the purchase.
This is not meant as an intimidation tactic or any of the sort. All non-owners and enthusiasts are very welcome here, as a forum member and enthusiast who is currently "between b2k's" I can certainly see the need for weeding out the wanna-be's from the real owners. Most of us know of or actually know each other on this forum, its a close knit group. The more the merrier we just want to make sure the misleading internet trolls are kept at bay.
Surf, Thanks - Yes, this is one of the reasons we are asking - But also, we like to share the pics of our cars As Surf said, many of us know one another and often we reference each other by the car(s) we have
gils4sea wrote:Here's 2 shots of '87 #171 acquired late Oct.
Gil, Welcome!!
If I recall, your car was one of THE FIRST Callaways ever to receive Bloomington Gold Certification. You should have a small decal on the rear (side portion) of the hatch glass.
Very good memory! The decal is present. The car has slightly more than 20,000 miles on it. I am the 4th owner; the most recent owner had it since 1994. This car is in excellent original condition, although not pristine(so I can drive it without worrying). I am happy to be part of the COG and who knows, I may even be able to contribute.
My wife and I also own a '96 Grand Sport and an '04 convertible for whatever that's worth.