Q. My account isn't activated, why?
A. One of the following things may have happened:
- Your profile looked like spam
- Your profile was identified as spam
Q. How can I contact the Callaway Owners Group to activate my account?
A. Please send an email with questions/comments: callawayownersgroup [at] gmail [dot] com [replace the info in brackets with @ and .]
Q. Do I need to register to post my For Sale ads?
A. Yes, you will need to create an account and post your own ad(s).
Q. Is there a cost associated with an account/COG?
A. No.
Q. Why so strict on thinking profiles are Spam?
A. We don't like Spam - not on our sandwich, and not on our Forum!
Q. What if I have a question beyond what is posted in this FAQ?
A. Please send an email with questions/comments: callawayownersgroup [at] gmail [dot] com [replace the info in brackets with @ and .]
As always, thank you for your participation with this Forum